
What its all about is connecting models together and, if you want, creating some metadata about the meaning of that relationship (i.e. a tag).


To this end, django-generic-m2m does three things to make this behavior easier:

  1. wraps up all querying and connecting logic in a single attribute that acts on both model instances and the model class
  2. allows any model to be used as the intermediary “through” model
  3. provides an optimized lookup when GenericForeignKeys are used

Adding to a model

Before you start creating relationships, you’ll need to add a RelatedObjectsDescriptor to any model you plan on relating to other models.

Here’s a quick example:

from django.db import models

from genericm2m.models import RelatedObjectsDescriptor

class Food(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=255)

    related = RelatedObjectsDescriptor()

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.name

class Beverage(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=255)

    related = RelatedObjectsDescriptor()

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.name

If you’d like to add relationships to a model that you don’t control (for example the User model from django.contrib.auth), you can use the monkey_patch utility:

from django.contrib.auth.models import User

from genericm2m.utils import monkey_patch

monkey_patch(User, name='related')

Creating and querying relationships

A custom model manager is exposed on each model via the RelatedObjectsDescriptor. The API for creating and querying relationships is exposed via this descriptor.

Here is a sample interactive terminal session:

>>> # create a handful of objects to use in our demo
>>> pizza = Food.objects.create(name='pizza')
>>> cereal = Food.objects.create(name='cereal')
>>> beer = Beverage.objects.create(name='beer')
>>> soda = Beverage.objects.create(name='soda')
>>> milk = Beverage.objects.create(name='milk')
>>> healthy_eater = User.objects.create_user('healthy_eater', 'healthy@health.com', 'secret')
>>> chocula = User.objects.create_user('chocula', 'chocula@postcereal.com', 'garlic')

Now that we have some Food, Beverage and User objects, create some connections between them:

>>> rel_obj = pizza.related.connect(beer, alias='Beer and pizza are good')
>>> type(rel_obj) # what did we just create?
<class 'genericm2m.models.RelatedObject'>

The object that represents the connection is an instance of whatever is passed to the RelatedObjectDescriptor when it is added to a model, but the default is genericm2m.models.RelatedObject. Here are the interesting properties of the new related object:

>>> rel_obj.parent
<Food: pizza>
>>> rel_obj.object
<Beverage: beer>
>>> rel_obj.alias
'Beer and pizza are good'

These relationships can be queried:

>>> pizza.related.all() # find all objects that pizza has been related to
[<RelatedObject: pizza related to beer ("Beer and pizza are good")>]

When the RelatedObject is a GFK, as is the case here, the RelatedObjectsDescriptor will return a special QuerySet class that provides an optimized lookup of any GFK-ed objects:

>>> type(pizza.related.all())
<class 'genericm2m.models.GFKOptimizedQuerySet'>
>>> pizza.related.all().generic_objects() # traverse the GFK relationships
[<Beverage: beer>]

If the object on the back-side of the relationship also has a RelatedObjectsDescriptor with the same intermediary model, reverse lookups are possible:

>>> beer.related.related_to() # query the back-side of the relationship
[<RelatedObject: pizza related to beer ("Beer and pizza are good")>]

Create some more connections - any combination of models can be used. Below I’m connectiong a Food (cereal) to both Beverage objects (milk) and User objects (Chocula):

>>> cereal.related.connect(milk) # connecting to a beverage
<RelatedObject: cereal related to milk ("")>
>>> cereal.related.connect(chocula) # connecting to a user
<RelatedObject: cereal related to chocula ("")>

>>> cereal.related.all() # show what cereal is related to
[<RelatedObject: cereal related to chocula ("")>,
 <RelatedObject: cereal related to milk ("")>]

>>> chocula.related.all() # relationships are ONE WAY
>>> chocula.related.related_to() # querying the backside shows what has been connected to chocula
[<RelatedObject: cereal related to chocula ("")>]

Also worth noting is that the RelatedObjectsDescriptor works on both the instance-level and the class-level, so if we wanted to see all objects related to foods:

>>> Food.related.all() # anything that has been related to a food
[<RelatedObject: cereal related to chocula ("")>,
 <RelatedObject: cereal related to milk ("")>,
 <RelatedObject: pizza related to beer ("Beer and pizza are good")>]

Using a custom “through” model

It’s possible to use a custom “through” model in place of the default RelatedObject. If you know you’re only going to be using a couple models, this can be a handy way to save queries. Looking at the tests, here’s another silly example where we have a RelatedBeverage model that our Food model will use:

class RelatedBeverage(models.Model):
    food = models.ForeignKey('Food')
    beverage = models.ForeignKey('Beverage')

    class Meta:
        ordering = ('-id',)

class Food(models.Model):
    # ... same as above except for this new attribute:
    related_beverages = RelatedObjectsDescriptor(RelatedBeverage, 'food', 'beverage')

The “related_beverages” attribute is an instance of RelatedObjectsDescriptor, but it is instantiated with a couple of arguments:

  • RelatedBeverage: the model to be used to hold the “connections”
  • ‘food’: the field name on the above model which maps to the “from” object
  • ‘beverage’: the field name which maps to the “to” object

Continuing the shell session from above with the same models, foods can be connected to beverages using the new “related_beverages” attribute:

>>> pizza.related_beverages.connect(soda)
<RelatedBeverage: RelatedBeverage object>

Querying provides the same interface, but since the “to” object is a direct ForeignKey to Beverage, a normal django QuerySet is used:

>>> pizza.related_beverages.all()
[<RelatedBeverage: RelatedBeverage object>]
>>> type(pizza.related_beverages.all())
<class 'django.db.models.query.QuerySet'>

A TypeError will be raised if you try to connect an invalid object, such as a Person to the “related_beverages”:

>>> pizza.related_beverages.connect(mario)
*** TypeError: Unable to query ...

And lastly, just like before, its possible to query on the class to get all the RelatedBeverage objects for our foods:

>>> Food.related_beverages.all()
[<RelatedBeverage: RelatedBeverage object>]